Petrobras’ astronomical profit of nearly BRL 46.1 billion in the most recent quarter, between July and September, also reveals the value the company has lost through travel over the same period. Between travel and travel by employees to places like Miami, London, New York, Lisbon and Amsterdam, the oil company paid nearly BRL7.25 million in air fares and daily rates for employees of different levels.
The most expensive trip was that of Raphael Andrea Ayres for seven days to Panama City (Panama): R $ 91,700 was consumed.
Felipe Moreira Matoso Pereira Gomes takes silver who spent 7 days in Atlanta, USA on a trip that cost R$ 46,700.
Managing director Carla Dodsworth Albano Miller’s trip to New York (USA) for five days cost the stateowned company R$ 45,300.
While the group traveled abroad, the National Petroleum Agency registered gasoline here at R$9.28/litre.

Abreu e Lima refinery in Pernambuco.
Lula returns for the 20th anniversary of the Abreu e Lima fiasco
Presidentelect Lula will witness 20 years of one of the biggest fiascos in Petrobras history: the Abreu e Lima (PE) refinery. The refinery was launched in 2003 at the behest of Lula himself in “partnership” with the late Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chávez. The refinery took 11 years to complete and cost a total of $26.2 billion (over 1300% overstatement). cents from the neighboring government and is still making losses today, two decades later.
According to a 2016 Federal Audit Office report, the final cost of the refinery was more than 13 times the estimated $2 billion.
According to TCU, Abreu e Lima can only make $7.2 billion. That is, the estimated loss in 2016 was already 19 billion US dollars (100 billion real).
Throughout construction, Venezuela never contributed a single penny…just as the PT governments never charged.
power without shame
hit the vernacular
In Ceará it is said that the mayor of Crateús, Raimundo Rezende, once denounced an opponent’s violent temper at a rally: “…and Raimundo Bezerra then hit him!” An aide corrected him in the ear: “‘In me’ , Mayor”. Rezende pointed to the adjutant and shouted, “You hit him too!”
The Chamber of Deputies decided to work more in the week after the elections and convened an inperson meeting for this Monday (7), which is rare and has already caused complaints among parliamentarians.
On the other hand, their Excellencies do not have to appear in Brasília the following week, between November 14th and 18th. There will be no consultative meeting that would oblige them to sign the point.
According to the specialized website Block Trends, by the end of 2022 Brazil will return to the position of the 10th largest economy on earth, more than $1.83 trillion. It will soon overtake Italy ($2 trillion) and Canada ($2.2 trillion).
Few noticed Rodrigo Maia’s (RJ) return to the chamber. The waiting room of his office reveals in passing the (quick) return to the lower clergy. Without remembering the times when he carried the king in his belly.
quote of the Day
One disagrees with Moraes that protesting is a thief thing
Rui Costa Pimenta (PCO), whose party has already been censored by the minister, criticizes the police’s recent speech
The market review of the 2022 projected public sector surplus to BRL 85 billion to BRL 145 billion saw the PTFib of a hole in the accounts lose strength. “The results seem to be getting better every day,” said Minister Fábio Faria (Communications).
The PEC ExplodeTeto, referred to in the friendly headlines as the PEC da Transição, wants to write a “check” for 200 billion reals to the Lula government. The problem is that without a Treasury Secretary, the check is not nominal.
The return of the Bolsa Família name doesn’t worry President Bolsonaro, who can lobby for it as the PT’s burial of Auxílio Brasil risks diminishing benefits and “taking rights away” from the poor.
MP Luiz Lima (PLRJ) said he would vote against the “PECanha” of Lula’s new PT government. “A hole that will drive up the country’s interest rates and enrich those who live on interest rather than job creation,” he says.
…with so much research into who wears green and yellow, at the World Cup it’s better to wear red and cheer for Spain or Denmark.