Pictures from Juana Bacallao's funeral service showed: an almost empty funeral home

Several images of the renowned Cuban artist's funeral ceremonies Juana Bacallao, died on Saturday, February 24, in Havanahave come to light to describe the abandonment in which Cuba's well-known “showwoman” lived.

In the images shared by several users on social networks and by the news portal Cubanos por el Mundo, the burial chamber can be seen almost empty and when it was time to transport the coffin, only a few people accompanied the hearse to the Colón cemetery.

Capture of the Facebook/Siro barracks

Facebook user Adalberto Rodríguez Palenzuela said he was not a fan of Juana Bacallao, but when he saw the pictures, he said the artist deserved a more worthy ending for her commitment to Cuban culture.

“In the end, it was someone who invented a character who ultimately believed in it and entertained and made Cuba laugh with all of its things and events. “Juana la Cubana, the diva, really deserves more, from the Cuban people and from the country's institutions,” he added.

Facebook shot/Adalberto Rodríguez Palenzuela

The remains of the popular Cuban artist were interred in the Pantheon of Culture of the Colón Cemetery this Sunday morning.

The Minister of Culture attended the ceremony Alpidio Alonso Graythat even the only floral donation that accompanied the coffin was in his name.

Cuban television dedicated a short review of the event, read by the anchor of the Sunday News, which said: “The funeral was attended by the Minister of Culture Alpidio Alonso, the artist's family, friends and creators.”

According to the digital portal Diario de Cuba, the grave assigned to the singer is in the “Panteón de la Cultura” next to those of the musicians Adalberto Álvarez and José Luis Cortés.

They pointed out that the place where he rests is quite barren and there is neither a tombstone nor an inscription dedicated to his memory.