Post from Becciu to Bergoglio about the ‘enemy’ Chaouqui: "Confessed the kiss on the hand, but threatened me" sardiniapost SardiniaPost

The cardinal Angelo Beccius still a protagonist in the Vatican court, where the trial on the management of the funds that were in the hands of Secretariat of State, whose number two was the Sardinian cardinal. Charged yesterday in the Becciu courtroom embezzlement and abuse of officeHe made impromptu statements, then read out one of his email exchanges with Pope Francis.

The communications dated August 2022. The cardinal complained about the attitude Frances Immaculata Chaouqui, the Calabrian, who was part of Cosea, the Pontifical Commission that studies and organizes the economic-administrative structure of the Holy See. In the emails sent to Bergoglio, Becciu clearly stated this did not like that the woman was allowed to kiss the pope’s hand in the general audience, having previously been banned from the Vatican.

“Holy Father, I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you my deep dismay before the publication of the photos depicting Ms. Chaouqui admitted to kissing the hand in yesterday’s hearing – Becciu wrote on August 19 -. Here are the reasons for my disappointment.” Becciu lists three. As the first notes: “When I introduced her in 2017, she encouraged the apology of said lady in order to forgive her the few months that remained until the expiry of the sentence, she answered me in a severe tone, which I had never seen before, in these words: “My answer is in the negative, and you must never use that name again.” mention to. Also, the ban on letting them into the Vatican is in effect forever. With that in mind I have replied to the lady as proxy on your behalf. He reacted violently, accusing me of having been the one who resisted the pardon and threatening cruel revenge in my direction. I’ve been paying for revenge for the past two years, in full view of the world.”

Here it is second reason written by Becciu: “With yesterday’s kiss on the hand – Cardinal di Ozieri wrote on 19. I’ve been publicly denied and the lady is getting stronger to continue to destroy me with any satanic means of which he is capable”. Then the third reason: “The most serious fact is the following and it fits in the context of the ongoing criminal case against me. With yesterday’s gesture, Holy Father, you have Broken their much-acclaimed commitment to neutrality in the trial.”

Becciu continued, always turning to Bergoglio: “You will know that said lady appears from the court records as one of my accusers, now received, you have shown your solidarity with him and indirectly supported his accusatory theses against me. Procedurally, his action is viewed not by the Pope but by the Chief Magistrate of the Vatican State legal system and therefore as interference in the process. Anyway, I felt compelled to let you know, and in the meantime I pay my respects.

On the same day, the Pope answers Bergoglio: “Dear brother, Thank you for your email. I’m sorry that greeting gesture might hurt. They asked me if the lady could come to the general audience with her children and get a kiss on the hand… and I thought if it would do her any good, let her come.” Bergoglio continues: “Then I’ll tell you this I almost forgot about this lady’s “adventure”.. I don’t even know that she is involved in the verdict, I won’t go into that. I apologize and forgive you if this has offended and respected you. It’s all my fault, even the habit of forgetting the bad things. Please forgive me if I offended you. I pray for you, please do it for me.”

In addition to the allegations of embezzlement and abuse of office, there is also a parallel investigation against Becciu, which emerged after the investigative work of the Guardia di Finanza and the Oristano public prosecutor’s office: the cardinal is also accused of a criminal association, an accusation always with those received from the Holy See Connected funds, which, however, revolve around Exhaustedthe social cooperative of brother antonioand to the Diocese of Ozieri.