Production takes place during a tumultuous and awkward transition to If We Loved Each Other

During the episode of If we loved each other In the program broadcast on Wednesday evening, Sylvain was confronted with an unexpected incident involving his ego, his partner Frédérique and members of the production team.

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Production takes place during a tumultuous and awkward transition to

When Frédérique asked Sylvain if he was an empathetic person, his quick answer of “No” surprised everyone.

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Realizing that his reaction had seemed strange, Sylvain was surprised. He lost patience and had a tense exchange with the production team, cutting off his conversation with his partner. The latter, meanwhile, responded with an embarrassed laugh.

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In reality, Sylvain simply did not understand the meaning of the word “empathetic” and was unfortunately embarrassed to admit this to Frédérique and in front of the cameras of the popular reality show.

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Later in the office Louise Sigouinhe finally realized his misunderstanding of the term “empathic” and realized that it would have been easier if he had admitted his ignorance to Frédérique.

Don’t miss “If We Loved Each Other” Monday through Thursday at 6:30 p.m. on TVA and VAT+.

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