Putin operated, revealed the yellow of the operation: "Successful intervention". What is the time of the tsars?

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Giada Oricchio May 23, 2022

Vladimir Putin underwent surgery. The news was published by the Russian Telegram channel Generall Svr, which is considered reliable and not just propaganda. In the last post we read that the President of the Russian Federation underwent surgery on the night of Monday May 16th to Tuesday May 17th at the urging of his doctors, who said the operation was completely successful. The channel recalls: “Putin was physically absent from the information room from May 17-19 and was not available even for his inner circle, with the exception of Nikolai Patrushev, the secretary of the Russian Security Council.”

Back then, recorded meetings and messages were published and disseminated, and Putin made only two phone calls in those 48 hours. On May 20, Generall Svr said, the Security Council meeting was held via video conference and the Kremlin leader’s speech was pre-recorded. But there was more: “As in the previous week, video participation was possible using deepfake technology. In reality, on May 20, Putin was still too weak to attend long meetings.”

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We also learn from the post that the President’s health deteriorated on the evening of May 20, only to stabilize the next day. “The health team has been recommending maximum rest to Putin over the past few days and has urged him not to personally attend the meetings,” the post concludes.