Rebekah (Mariana Santos) got caught in a frenetic rhythm of disappointments with a life that until recently seemed perfect with her new family she had discovered. However, Chiquinho’s mother (Guilherme Tavares) will be completely devastated after a big revelation Celia (Stella Freitas) and will not know what to do in the next chapters of face and courage🇧🇷
For some time Rebeca has been looking forward to living with her mother and sister and this has become her perfect life. However, the socialite didn’t even suspect that it was all an arrangement created by Danilo (Ricardo Pereira) to fool his wife and make her happier, but under his control.

Andréa is researching Célia. Source: Reproduction/Globo Andréa researching Célia. Source: Reproduction/Globo
It turns out that after the whirlwind events of Rebeca’s life, some things got so strange that AndrĂ©a (Maria Eduarda de Carvalho) started her own investigation with the help of the orange suit group until she found out the whole truth about Rebeca’s new family , your buddy. The actress will call the whole group together and tell Rebeca that CĂ©lia is not her biological mother, leaving her completely devastated by the news.
CĂ©lia is confronted with Chiquinho’s mother and tries to draw attention away from the questions asked with a scene, but realizes that the mask will eventually fall off. Although CĂ©lia does everything she can to keep the charade going, she grows increasingly resentful of Danilo’s threats and blackmail and becomes more and more convinced that she is telling Rebeca the whole truth.