Reborn: How José Inocêncio and Maria Santa's first meeting ends Splash

Bumba Meu Boi travels through the city and crosses the country of José Inocêncio. The farmer is amazed at the joy of the people during the parade and watches everything happening in amazement.

When the cocoa producer sees Maria Santa dancing, he falls in love at first sight. The protagonist is completely fascinated as he admires Quitéria's daughter (Belize Pombal).

When Venâncio realizes this, he becomes angry. In the ox's clothing, he attacks José Inocêncio.

However, the little colonel refuses to be intimidated. “Who is the girl, Deocletian?” he asks his friend. “It is Santinha… the daughter of the ox,” replies Deocletian (Adanilo).

Jupará (Evaldo Macarrão) explains that the father was jealous of his daughter. “And the ox Venâncio attacked her because of her,” he says. “I want to have this saint for myself!” says the young man in love.

Furious, Venâncio chases Maria Santa. “Damned! Ramêra!” shouts the evil one. “I didn’t do anything, pain! Wake up, mother! Help me,” the girl asks.