Renowned DJ Michael Bibi has a rare cancer that affects his brain and spine: the announcement on Instagram

The announcement on social media: Michael Bibian internationally known DJ and producer, revealed on Instagram that he has one rare cancer affected the brain and spine and began treatment immediately. The artist obviously had to stop all his activities in order to start immediately Care.

Michael Bibi has a rare form of cancer

The Celebrated English DJwhich has more than 900,000 followers Instagram, shared the heartbreaking news on social media. The 32-year-old artist posted a photo on his Instagram profile in which he can already be seen chemotherapy.

In the post accompanying the photo, Bibi reveals that he has a very rare form of cancer: “Hello world, writing this post is difficult… I was diagnosed last week.” Central nervous system lymphoma“.

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“A crab very rare which affects the Brain and the spine. Writing this message just doesn’t feel real and I’m sorry for the bad news. I don’t know what to expect, I’m tired, but I know I’m strong and I won’t let that get me down.

From tinnitus to cancer diagnosis

Michael Bibi had already written on Instagram on May 17 that he had been “offline for some time”. The DJ had been forced to do it cancel several shows due to health problems related totinnitus

However, the tests he underwent would have revealed a much more dramatic situation, namely the diagnosis: lymphoma.

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Cancel all appointments

Michael Bibi obviously had to do it cease all its activities to start treatment immediately. “Unfortunately it’s going fast and I have to stay in the hospital for treatment immediately. I will come back stronger for you all,” she wrote in the post.

The London DJ was also expected Italy: He should have gone to the console next time 12. August to “Music and Legality”, an international festival that has been taking place in the Archaeological Park of for several years Selinuntein the province of Trapani.