Ricardo Gareca and his demand for Quispe and Grimaldo: “They must not return”

Ricardo Gareca and his demand for Quispe and Grimaldo They

Despite the Peruvian team’s poor start to qualifying, Piero Quispe j Joao Grimaldo They have become the main spare parts in the team that Juan Reynoso still commands. In this sense, the former Bicolor coach Ricardo Gareca was encouraged to comment on the level of the Universitario and Sporting Cristal players.

What did Gareca say about Quispe and Grimaldo?

Ricardo Gareca made it clear when he mentioned that rebellion was one of the young midfielder’s qualities. He also spoke about Grimaldo’s possible departure abroad.

“Of course you can see him (Quispe). This is something fundamental, the attitude, the rebellion… The rest is up to him. It is very important that the players who leave, now I heard that Grimaldo has left. “Opportunities outside, if they go outside, we must not allow them to return,” he said in dialogue with journalists Mauricio Loret de Mola and Michael Succar.

The 65-year-old experienced strategist also spoke about the profile of players the Peruvian team needs to remain competitive. “The most pleasant thing is to stay in Peru: for the food, my family, my friends, you live first-class.” Are these the future national players? The future national player must be the one who goes to a climate with 0 degrees, endures the language, joins another group (….) You have to assert yourself: I want to stay and I want to learn the language. The national team has to feed on these players,” he explained.

What did Ricardo Gareca say about his return as leader of the Peruvian team?

Regarding the option to return to the bench Peruvian team, The “Tigre” was of the opinion that this made no sense since the new technical command sought a change in the FPF.

“I wouldn’t think it makes sense for Peru to come looking for us after losing six games. It’s not that I don’t want to return to the country or lead the national team. Lozano and Oblitas know us, but they have decided to change. “I wouldn’t find any sense in it,” he said.

Will Piero Quispe and Joao Grimaldo play abroad in 2024?

Although both footballers showed outstanding performances for their teams and even debuted in an official match with the Peruvian team, everything indicates that they will continue in the local tournament. Although they have interesting offers from clubs abroad, their administrators do not welcome their departure and will wait for something better to come along.