Ricardo Gareca comes unexpectedly to Peru in the middle of qualifying: What is the reason for his visit?

Ricardo Gareca comes unexpectedly to Peru in the middle of

The Peruvian team has been going through a difficult time since the start of these 2026 South America qualifiers. After the defeat against Chile and in the run-up to the Peru vs. Argentina, Coach Juan Reynoso was questioned by fans who have called for the return of Argentine strategist Ricardo Gareca. Exactly in the last few days it became known that the… ‘Tigre’ will be in the capital Lima during the qualification process World Cup 2026 offer a conference. What will it be about?

It turns out that the former technician Peruvian team will return to the country as he is the guest of the “People’s Day of Buk”, the first Human Resources Festival in Latin America. Through its social networks, the site “Buk.Perú” published a video in which Ricardo Gareca invites his followers to this event that will take place on October 19 at the Jockey Club.

Users left messages in the comments on this post “Tiger” Gareca to ask him to return, captain the Peruvian team and qualify for the 2026 World Cup.

YOU CAN SEE: Reynoso made a drastic decision when the Peruvian team arrived in the country after losing to Chile

Ricardo Gareca was trending after the defeat against Chile

After the fall of Peruvian team against Chile for the 2026 qualification, the Peruvian fans demanded the return of Ricardo Gareca to the Peruvian team, so his name became trendy.

“National collection for the return of ‘Tigre’ Gareca”, “As soon as possible and for the return of Gareca”, “With Gareca we even had three shots on goal”, “Let Gareca return. Well, he should never have left”, “This is very different to Gareca’s team”, “At least with Gareca we had a game plan” were some of the messages.

When and at what time will the Peru team’s next game take place?

Peru’s next match will be against the Argentine team on the fourth day of qualifying. The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 17, from 9:00 p.m. on Peruvian territory.