Rumor: Scalebound will be relaunched by PlatinumGames and Microsoft – Gamereactor

Scalebound is the wound that is never allowed to properly heal. It was a very promising passion project from PlatinumGames co-founder and producer Hideki Kamiya, originally intended to be published by Microsoft but spoiled by messy development that ultimately led to the game’s discontinuation in 2017, although we did see it at Xbox press conferences have back in the day.

Microsoft was initially blamed, but Kamiya has since admitted that the studio simply didn’t deliver on its promise, saying they’d be happy to revive the project if the Xbox team were willing to give it another chance. Since then we’ve heard occasional rumors of activity surrounding the project, and now it’s that time again.

Insider Shpeshal_Nick says on the XboxEra Podcast that PlatinumGames and Microsoft have revived the fledgling Scalebound. It’s unclear how much of the Xbox One version code can be returned, and if it turns out to be true it will be a few years before it’s actually released.

While we’ve heard the rumor from other sources as well, Shpeshal_Nick hasn’t been exactly spot on in his shovels for the past year, so we’d still take this with a lot of really rough salt.

Bound to Scale