‘s musical chairs editing Kovalick and Bocardi

Surprising many viewers, Globo dropped the hammer and decided to ax Roberto Kovalick and Rodrigo Bocardi

Globo, one of Brazil’s largest television networks, experienced a remarkable “musical chair” among its teams of journalists.

Veteran journalists Roberto Kovalick and Rodrigo Bocardi, known for their work on the channel’s main news stories, were surprisingly cut.

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The musical chairs on Globo surprised many viewers when the Rio channel drastically reformulated its morning program on August 15, 2023.

Two familiar faces, Roberto Kovalick and Rodrigo Bocardi, were replaced from their usual positions by a millionaire who took over the mornings.

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Normally, the station began its morning with three consecutive newspapers, starting at 4 a.m. with “Hora 1.” Then came the local newspapers like “Bom Dia SP,” starting at 6 a.m., and finally “Bom Dia Brasil.”

However, on this special day a An unexpected turn happened in the programming grid.

Globo acquired the rights to it Broadcast of the Women’s World Cup matchesinvest a significant amount, around 476 million reaisto ensure the exclusivity of competition on open television in both the men’s and women’s tournaments.

Since the competition was at a crucial stage, the channel decided to broadcast the match of one of the semifinals of the Women’s World Cup, which was played between the teams of Sweden and Spain.

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Roberto Kovalick at Hora 1 Studios (Reproduction: Globo)Roberto Kovalick at Hora 1 Studios (Reproduction: Globo)


Due to the playing time, which began at 4:45 a.m., “Hour 1,” traditionally moderated by Roberto Kovalick, had its charm Duration reduced to just 45 minutes, interrupted to begin pregame coverage. The change “Bom Dia SP”, led by Rodrigo Bocardi, was also affectedwhich started an hour later than usual.

This surprising reformulation of the program highlighted the importance that Globo attaches to the coverage of the Women’s World Cup matches and reflects the growing interest in sporting events that promote women’s football in the country.

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Rodrigo Bocardi in Bom Dia São Paulo (Photo: Reproduction / Globo)Rodrigo Bocardi in Bom Dia São Paulo (Photo: Reproduction / Globo)

How much is Rodrigo Bocardi from Globo paid?

According to information from Capitalist, Rodrigo Bocardi’s salary at Globo is approximately R$100,000.00 per month. However, it is important to remember that media professional salaries can vary over time and depend on several factors, including experience, position, market and contract negotiations. Therefore the values ​​may change.