Sheep invade greenhouse and eat cannabis plantation in Greece: “They jumped more than goats, says greenhouse owner G1

1 of 2 Montage of illustrative photos shows sheep and marijuana plantation Photo: Reproduction/RPC//Disclosure/Civil Police Montage of illustrative photos shows sheep and marijuana plantation Photo: Reproduction/RPC//Disclosure/Civil Police

A flock of sheep ate more than 300 kilograms of cannabis after raiding a greenhouse where the plant was grown for medicinal purposes near the town of Almyros in Thessaly, Greece.

The animals sought shelter and food after Storm Daniel hit the land.

“I’m fine, but the sheep are better,” said Yannis Bourounis, owner of the place, jokingly in an interview with the local press last week. He also explained that it was difficult to get them out of the place. “They had much fun. The sheep jumped higher than the goats.”

“I do not know if I should laugh or cry. We had the heat wave and lost a lot of production. We had the floods, we lost almost everything. And now this… The herd entered the greenhouse and ate what was left.” . I don’t know what to say, seriously.”

2 of 2 Owner of a sheepinfested marijuana greenhouse speaks in an interview with Greek media Photo: Reproduction/the newspaper Owner of a sheepinfested marijuana greenhouse speaks in an interview with Greek media Photo: Reproduction/the newspaper

According to The NewsWeeks magazine, the Greek government legalized the use of cannabis for medical purposes in 2017. In 2023, the country opened its first factory producing medical cannabis. Growing cannabis for medicinal purposes has brought muchneeded economic opportunities to the country.

Storm Daniel caused the highest monthly rainfall ever in Europe. Relentless rains wreaked havoc in the central region of the continent, triggering landslides, destroying roads and bridges and disrupting water supplies.

Watch a report on the heavy rains that hit Europe in September in the video below:

Record storms continue to cause flooding in southern Europe

Cannabis is a genus of plants that originated in Asia thousands of years ago and is popularly called marijuana. There are three types of plants in the cannabis genus: sativa, indica and ruderalis, with the first two being the most popular.

Cannabis was originally used to produce textile fibers, but today it is also used in medicine and industry.