Silvia Toffanin, birthday present to Pier Silvio: six zeros

Pier Silvio Berlusconi received a really expensive gift from his partner Silvia Toffanin: What did the beautiful woman give him?

The two have been living for a year now wonderful love story: They met in 2001 during a AC Milan charity matchand you’re in right away Lover. They started a wonderful relationship and gave birth the two children Lorenzo Mattia and Sofia Valentina. The couple has always been a lot reservedand has always preferred to stay away from the limelight.

Silvia Toffanin birthday present to Pier Silvio six zeros

However, an indiscretion about what has emerged she would have given Pier Silvio on the occasion of his birthday. The object is luxury!

Expensive gifts for him

Berlusconi Jr. – Son of acquaintance Silvio Berlusconi and CEO of Mediaset – recently reached 53 years old. Her partner Silvia made her one great gift for the occasion. The rumor was published in the weekly Chi, which spoke about what the host he would give to his great love.

It would be one Antique carthis is one mini moke. The car that Pier Silvio would have gotten it is sporty and openand should therefore above all be guided during summer. The man could also use it to take all the utensils he needs to practice his favorite sport: stand up paddle. The car he would have received as a gift is nicknamed ‘Beach‘, and is based on the classic model of the Mini.

1652560206 162 Silvia Toffanin birthday present to Pier Silvio six zerosSource: who

What would this car cost? Various used car sites were consulted and it turned out that this one Version of the Mini Moke would cost the same about 20 thousand euros. Instead, the electric model of the car would be used whopping 40,000 euros. On the pages of the same weekly newspaper that Photographs by Pier Silvio while driving with a beaming smile. Indeed, man would be in seventh heaven for the gift received!

Birth of Berlusconi Jr

On the occasion of his 53rd birthday, Pier Silvio celebrated in the family with a very quiet party. The celebrations would actually be held at the new estate of the Berlusconi family – Toffaninthat’s the wonderful thing Villa San Sebastian that the entrepreneur has recently acquired and is located in Portofino.