The service ends badly Valerio Staffellihistorical correspondent of Strip off the news, in a beauty salon. For once no Golden Tapir. The face of the satirical news of Canale 5, founded and directed by Antonio Ricci, was broadcast Ezio Greggio and Enzo Iacchetti in Milan. The theme is that of electronic or undeclared payments: “Friends, Valerio comes back to us to talk about this series of hairdressers who simply do not know what a receipt is – the two hosts present the service -. Many of You wrote to us, you told us to go and sift, and we did.” It’s Staffelli who puts his face on it and risks it.
The correspondent goes through a few shops with mixed experiences: “As you have seen, someone takes the receipts, but others love black”. Particularly piquant, shall we say, the close encounter with the owner of an oriental beauty salon, who raised her hand: “Because did he attack her? It’s not possible, it’s here force“. The owner took it out on an accomplice from Striscia, who had protested the non-receipt, provoking the woman’s anger.
βIt is important to comply with government regulations β Staffelli warned β. Receipt must be obtained for many reasons please. Above all, it is important to otherwise adapt to the competition, as I have said many times before is a unfair competitionAll’s well that ends well, and Greggio, back in the studio, can afford to joke about it: “Beware, sometimes conflicts with hairdressers can take a nasty turn.” We laugh. Bitterly, but we laugh.