Stéphan Bureau celebrates its first anniversary of the Contact podcast – LanauWeb

The two small studios are based in Paris and Montreal Contact In recent months, big names from all walks of life have received the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences Esther Duflothe actress Fanny Ardantthe great traveler and author Sylvain Tesson, Denys Arcand, Michel Onfray, Monia Chokri, Philippe Geluck, Eric Emmanuel Schmittthe former head of the French secret service, Alain July, Eric Zemmour, head of Reconquest and several others. To date, around fifty major meetings have been offered to an audience that now hears and sees the broadcasts throughout the French-speaking world.

On the occasion of its first anniversary, the website's traffic figures demonstrate its growing importance. For example on the platform YoutubeSubscriptions exploded, going from 10,000 to nearly 70,000 in just a few months. In the last 5 weeks alone, the website received one million views, a significant increase.

This encouraging trend can also be observed on other audio platforms, which pleases Stéphan Bureau: “I am very pleased to incorporate this very dynamic web experience into my practice in the world of information. Above all, I am happy that it is possible to put different viewpoints and opinions side by side on one platform! Freedom of expression must be nurtured if we want to keep our muscular ears! “.

10 episodes will be broadcast on the WEB platform from Télé-Québec since September 2023

Another very positive development for ContactTélé-Québec partnered with the broadcast of our programs last September and acquired ten episodes (Denise Bombardier, Léa Clairmont-Dion, Frédéric Lenoir, Jean-Philippe Baril Guérard, Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt, Yann Perreau George St-Pierre, Fanny Ardant, Denys Arcand And Monia Chokri) to power your web TV. A collaboration that we hope to continue next year. Contact is also in negotiations with other broadcasters outside of Quebec to increase the influence of its catalog.

A second year that looks good

Author Kamel Daoud, leading investigative journalist Denis Robert and Franz-Olivier Giesbert are expected to take part in the coming weeks Contact. And the second year promises to be plenty with more episodes to come.

Invitation to anyone who would like to sing in a