Stop collecting shells and taking them home; Find out what causes this Notice Contests in Brazil

Shells are calcifications formed by a range of organic materials left behind by various animals in the crustacean family. This art in the form of survival instinct is truly enchanting. However, collecting this type of material right on the beach has a negative impact on the environment. Learn the risks involved in selling mussels around the world.

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For these reasons, mussels should be left in the wild

Shells are home to many animals.

From crustaceans to nudibranchs, mussels are home to many creatures that inhabit coastal areas. In this sense, an animal loses its habitat when it picks up a beautiful shell and leaves it as an ornament in your home.

Some biologists liken the practice to neststealing birds, which take years to build their roosts. Likewise, it takes a crab decades to find the perfect home that can protect it from outside threats.

The lime structure prevents soil erosion

As mentioned, the minerals that make up its structure also adhere to the rocks, reducing the risk of erosion. This process results in the rocks on the slopes being more stable and less prone to falling.

This preserves the landscape longer by avoiding dangerous landslides for coastal residents. This is all the more important at a time when climate change is rapidly altering local conditions.

Every clam is important in the marine ecosystem

Many documentaries and photographs show crustaceans hiding in aluminum cans, plastic and other waste. Unfortunately, since there is no shelter, the packages will be converted into houses.

However, this picture shows the extent to which humans interfere with the marine ecosystem by collecting mussels. Remember that the smallest change affects the quality of life of all species on earth.