Supporting adolescent girls on their path to independence in a different way

Preparing for adulthood can be quite a challenge for young adults, but nine young women get a helping hand as Nicolet's new dorm helps them achieve independence.

Since the restaurant has been open since November, seven out of nine young women are already in the restaurant. It is an adaptation service set up in the municipality of Nicolète.

The women living there often had to move in the past. They had to visit several host families. They have often led more difficult lives.

“A girl previously placed in a rehabilitation center could not benefit from the same opportunities of the same experiments due to the very protective and supportive context. Now we have introduced innovations to give them an experience that is more open to the community,” explained Mathieu Bédard, deputy director of rehabilitation, crime and youth accommodation.

Some girls go to school, others are already on the job market. For Nicolet Mayor Geneviève Dubois, it is a recruiting opportunity since the city this year integrated a program from the Union of Municipalities of Quebec that allows the hiring of young people who have made careers in youth centers. It is therefore also an opportunity for young women to find a job.

Described as innovative, this group home is the first in the region. The home allows them to participate in a variety of community activities. Among other things, you can get involved in various organizations and do volunteer work.

The goal is to avoid becoming a resource again and to develop their autonomy so that they have the necessary tools to give themselves a good start before becoming adults.