Sylvie Léonard passionately corrects a misunderstanding about Un gar, une fille –

Sylvie Léonard was guest of the week on C’est just de la TV. She was on set to talk about the four new episodes of A guy, a girl.

When Alex Perron indicated that she wasn’t writing the first version, Sylvie Léonard got a little carried away.

“I’ve been fighting for 25 years [à ce sujet] ‘ she started.

“I’ve always been into writing, right from the start. There are people again who say, “When Guy called you to ask if you were tempted to come back…” Guy didn’t call me to ask if I was tempted, that’s not hierarchy . Guy called me to say, “What do you think? Do you want us to do something?” It’s always a mutual decision,” she explains.

She adds: “I go through all the lyrics. I revise all texts, I correct all texts. […] I’m actively involved, right from the start. If I hadn’t been there, there would never have been a man, a girl because it was our friendship that created it. »

We invite you to read our review of the first two episodes here.

During her visit to It’s just TV, Sylvie Léonard also confided in her daughter Camille, who also stars in A guy, a girl. Learn more here.