Tadeu announces consolation; ExBBBs are already restricted to vote


Photo: RD1

The speculations were correct: BBB 23 will have a hope run. The announcement was made on Sunday evening 19th during a live broadcast on TV Globo. Tadeu Schmidt said that the vote on Tuesday, April 21

“Former contestants from this season will be returning to our home and you will decide that.

Among the participants are Larissa, Key, Fred Nicácio, Gustavo, Cristian, Paula, Tina, Gabriel and Marília. Whoever is eliminated in the Paredão on Tuesday is also fighting back for a place.

“The two with the most votes will return to compete for the BBB 23 award,” he concludes. The brothers are already locked up.

The measure came shortly after the expulsion of Cara de Sapato and MC Guimê on Thursday 16. Tadeu Schmidt announced live the expulsion of the two brothers suspected of sexually molesting the Mexican Dania Mendez.

The case gained momentum on social media later in the day after videos showing Guimê groping Dania during the leader’s party began circulating. In another video, Cara de Sapato immobilizes the Mexican in bed to get a kiss.

Source: Editora Terra