TDC highlights “one of the key benefits of its network”: its 5-star advisors – Pax News

As part of a new pan-Canadian marketing campaign Transat Distribution Canada highlights “one of the main advantages of its network”, namely the “5 star” consultants of its network of franchise agencies and corporate agencies.

READ MORE – TDC reveals its priorities for next year

The early versions of this campaign highlight advice – “and therefore the strength of human relationships,” says TDC. They were particularly visible on various websites Google as well as above Youtube. In the coming months, this campaign will continue to evolve, particularly with new visual variations.

The heart of our industry

Karine GagnonGeneral Manager of TDC, explains that travel advisors are one of the network’s greatest strengths and one of its fundamental assets.

“That’s why we’re coming back to introduce them like we did in 2020, but this time with a brand new campaign,” she says.

She specifies:

“Over the last few years, these true professionals have been able to demonstrate again and again and in many ways how important their added value is and, in particular, how their customers’ experience when dealing with them becomes incomparable. »

READ MORE – TDC Annual Conference Prepares Members for Start of School Year: “You Can Never Be Too Ready!”

5 Star Advisor 5 Star Memories

Marc PelletierSenior Director of Marketing, Communications and Events at TDC, welcomes the new creative platform designed to empower franchise brand agency consultants Travel club in Quebec and Marlin trips elsewhere in the country.

[Transat Distribution Canada – TDC]

“Visually, in a few words and based on the symbolism of the stars, an imagery widely used in the travel industry, we introduce our 5-star consultants: those who share their experiences, who give their advice, who save time and money “that personalize experiences that are available when the customer needs them and that ultimately give them peace of mind,” he explains.

Mr. Pelletier added that the new campaign is only the first step towards the goal of promoting the TDC consultant. “This creative platform opens the door to many possibilities because we have a lot to say on this topic,” he says.

Towards a major movement to promote advisors?

Marc Pelletier mentions that TDC wants to encourage “all players in the industry” to join this movement to promote travel advisors. “The entire profession will emerge stronger from this,” he says.

In the meantime, TDC emphasizes that theACTA communicates its position on this issue and gives the floor to the president of the association, Wendy Paradiswhich recognizes the network’s marketing initiative.

“In an ever-changing travel industry, it is always wise to remind travelers how much more they can benefit from booking their next vacation with travel advisors, and the campaign developed by the TDC Network is perfect in this sense,” says Ms. Paradise.

[Transat Distribution Canada – TDC]

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