Hilal Altinbilek: the change of the protagonist of Terra Amara – Spetteguless.it
Actress Hilal Altinbilek is enjoying enormous success with her portrayal of Zuleyha in Terra Amara. However, some very special photos of fans chatting have been circulating for some time.
Hilal Altinbilek: Not really a natural beauty. Years ago it was completely different – Spetteguless.it
The Turkish girl is really beautiful and has a magnetic look, that is undeniable. Nowadays, audiences can identify with the characters of this Turkish soap opera, which is becoming a real hit. Although the protagonist is one of the most popular, in addition to the growing fans on her Instagram page, there are also many haters. Whether you love it or hate it, the video that is circulating these hours can only leave anyone speechless.
We see her in completely different roles and there are even those who say that it's not even her. But the pictures speak for themselves and there is one detail that has fans debating Hilal's appearance.
Zulehya's change
Bitter earth It's Turkish fiction that doesn't really need any further introduction. Its characters experience fascinating events that keep the audience intrigued and always eager to find out what will happen at the next date.
There's always a new twist or a character doing something that inevitably changes the fate of others. Bonds that fall apart, others that grow stronger. In short, nothing is missing and in reality this gripping plot is a little reminiscent of soap operas of the pastwho also had great success (Beautiful, Il Segreto and Tempesta d'amore, to name just a few).
Given the rapid success, which interested the actors, who were actually largely unknown in Italy before Terra Amara, everyone began to be interested in the actors. At Verissimo, for example, they were moderated one after the other by Toffanin and interviewed. Some were then guests on the first episode of C'è Posta Per Te to make an older lady who was enthusiastic about the soap happy.
Social media is full of references to Turkish actors, especially in these times there is a lot of talk about the protagonist Zulehya, but not very well. In fact, it seems so Hilal Altinbilekwho plays her has made several adjustments to be so beautiful.
Hilal Altinbilek before and after cosmetic surgery – Spetteguless.it
Young and with a femme fatale look, It would actually look very different than it did before the plastic surgery that she has abused many times over the years. There is a video circulating from a few years ago portraying her in a work of fiction, and not only do we understand that she is a few years younger, but we also notice the striking difference in her appearance today.
It's actually hard to see There are even those who claim that she is not. That's the first controversy towards the actress, who has only been showered with compliments on set for her beauty and skills. He is able to engage viewers who now type in his name every day and search for information such as where he lives, how much he earns or what films he has made.
There are now also several fan clubs on social media This new revelation could cause her to lose several points.