The Amazon plant that became the dominant invasive species on the planet G1

1 of 4 The water hyacinth or water hyacinth is native to South America, but is found in dozens of countries around the world Photo: GETTY IMAGES The water hyacinth or water hyacinth is native to the Americas of the South, but is native to dozens of countries around the world to find Photo: GETTY IMAGES

According to a recent UNbacked report, these plants are among the group of species responsible for 60% of global plant and animal deaths.

Because they are alien to “invaded” ecosystems, they damage local nature, disrupt food chains and endanger human health with an estimated cost of $423 billion, highlights the report, based on 2019 data.

Invasive plants are increasing the effects of climate change on the planet, experts say.

“The effects of invasive plants often lead to more intense and frequent fires, such as some of the devastating fires that have recently occurred around the world, releasing even more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere,” the report said.

It is native to South America, particularly the Amazon region, and is the most widespread exotic invasive terrestrial species.

“As land use for agroindustrial production increases, so does the use of exotic plants that ultimately become invasive, as we see around the world,” says Professor Helen Roy, invasive plant specialist and member of the British Center for Ecology and Hydrology.

2 of 4 Water hyacinth is perfect for breeding insects that carry serious diseases Photo: GETTY IMAGES via BBC Water hyacinth is perfect for breeding insects that carry serious diseases Photo: GETTY IMAGES via BBC

“The lake, one of the main sources of food for millions of people, is running out of fish, especially tilapia, because water hyacinth absorbs important nutrients for the animals that live there,” he explains.

And this plant, also known for the beauty of its flowers, has already reached many regions and caused severe and diverse damage there.

The water hyacinth is a plant native to the Amazon and the Orinoco, Venezuela’s main river, where it finds its perfect habitat in the vast waterways.

It is a floating plant that has an incredible ability to reproduce and grow quickly.

Another of its properties is that its roots and leaves have the ability to absorb toxic substances from water and filter the contents.

According to experts, the explorers who traveled the Orinoco in the late 19th century thought that water hyacinths could be a perfect ornamental plant for artificial fountains in their countries of origin.

This is because they are floating plants and have a striking purple flower. This is how the species reached countries such as the USA and Japan.

3 of 4 In Iraq, water hyacinth was introduced as an ornamental plant and now there is a major effort to eradicate it as it has invaded important water sources Photo: GETTY IMAGES via BBC Brasil In Iraq, water hyacinth was introduced as an ornamental plant and now there is a major effort , to eradicate it because it has invaded important water sources Photo: GETTY IMAGES via BBC Brasil

“What favors water hyacinths for invasion work is the fact that freshwater environments around the world are all very similar, especially those in the tropical zone,” explained Anibal Pouchard, professor of forestry at the University of BBC Mundo (BBC Spanish service). Concepcion, in Chile.

There is another factor: experts have found that these plants can filter toxic elements in water, including fertilizers, which has increased their demand worldwide.

What they didn’t take into account was this plant’s enormous invasive ability.

The fall of Lake Victoria located on the border of Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya is just a reflection of what has happened in dozens of countries where the invasive plant is found.

Its effects take different forms.

“Due to its lushness and its ability to dominate the aquatic environment in which it lives, it does not allow the existence of other native plants, which ultimately affects the balance of the habitat it invades,” says Pouchard.

This also affects the navigability of these “waters”.

In addition, water hyacinth’s ability to absorb and process toxic substances and heavy metals causes it to release large amounts of carbon dioxide and methane gas as it decomposes, contributing to climate change.

But the problem doesn’t end there. Both Roy and Pouchard point out that eradicating water hyacinth requires millions of dollars, which are often not enough.

4 out of 4 Water hyacinth is a plant that floats in water, which is why it has the ability to absorb all the nutrients in it Photo: GETTY IMAGES via BBC Brazil Water hyacinth is a plant that floats in water, which is why it has the ability to absorb all of the nutrients in it the ability to absorb all the nutrients it contains Photo: GETTY IMAGES via BBC Brasil

“Another problem with water hyacinths is that their seeds can last for years without germinating. Therefore, even if all the water hyacinths can be removed from a pond, for example, there is still a chance that they will grow back quickly and profusely some time later,” noted Roy.

The spread of invasive plants is viewed as critical by scientists and environmentalists.

“It is a situation that affects all of society at different levels, regardless of its origin or status: it attacks the center of habitats and the supply chains that leave the environment,” explains Roy.

The main solution is prevention in the management of assets intended for export or import.

“It is important to remember that many of these now invasive plants were introduced to provide some benefit to humans. The problem is that no consideration has been given to the possible impacts,” says Roy.

For this reason, both Roy and Puchard believe that the prevention and control of flora and fauna at the borders is one of the most effective measures that can be implemented to prevent the arrival of invasive species.

“Not all plants that humans move from one habitat to another are invasive, but we need to know which ones can have a detrimental effect on the nature of this new location,” says the researcher.

According to the United Nations report, programs to eradicate invasive species have worked effectively, especially when these plants can be isolated and their harmful species are quickly identified.

In the specific case of water hyacinth, a series of interventions are carried out that have managed to control its spread.

“In the case of water hyacinth, there is a biological element, namely an insect (Neochetina bruchi) that looks like a beetle. Its role is to control the growth of these species,” Roy concluded.

Accumulation of water hyacinths turns the Tietê River into a green “carpet”