The Emptied Muscles by François Legault

Have a “strong mandate” to oppose the Trudeau government.

Here’s what the architects of the CAQ found to convince Quebecers to massively re-elect the Legault government.

Quebecers were convinced.

Today we see that even at their peak, the CAQ squad is a muscle blown in the air against Ottawa. It’s not a game for Ottawa.

The topic of health transfers is technical – and certainly boring.

But he reveals that, as usual, the federal government decides and the state governments follow. It doesn’t matter how powerful a government is in its province.

In a subtle way, the government discourse on the health requirements imposed by the federal government has evolved in recent days.

He went from a question of principle – “we really want the money” and “Mr. Trudeau thinks he’s better than Christian Dubé” – to a question of pragmatism – what the federal government is asking for, “it’s just transparency”.

In any case, the health system data requested by the Trudeau government are already available, says the Legault government.

Okay, but do we really think the federal government just wants to admire this data, like a beautiful painting, without asking for anything in return in the future? There are limits to willful naivety.


In the case of immigration, the change in direction is less subtle.

Last spring we had mobilized the nation’s existence to reclaim new forces, that of “family reunification.”

The Trudeau government has closed the door. No way, we decide, he said.

After the election, we refocused on the CAQ: we captured the essence of Ottawa’s song, namely that Quebec already has all the tools to increase its Francophone immigration.

Roxham? A bit of the same dynamic. After asking for closure we don’t have much more to say.

Now we see a death there. A condition. Quebec asks, Canada refuses.

This shows the impudence of the Caquisme against the federal government.

A sectoral referendum on immigration? Too risky, let’s not touch that.

Struggling to the last for respect for the fields of competence? No, a question of pragmatism.

Roxham? We’re waiting for the federal government.

Transfer of tax points, one tax report? Haven’t seen a bus fight there yet.


When he talks about Ottawa nationalism or autonomy, François Legault now gives the impression of being a juggler without a ball, but who continues to mimic the juggling.

It is François Legault’s experience of realism.

The balance of power in the federal government always leans towards the federal side.

And currently the CAQ is softening a bit. Don’t blame yourself for small defeats anymore. What do you want, as Jean Chrétien said, that’s it.

So let’s get to that. Having renounced any possibility of gaining independence, François Legault begins quietly and gradually to lower his threshold of autonomy requirements. And without getting angry. With honor and enthusiasm. By abandoning the issues on which there are disputes with the federal government.

The Prime Minister describes himself as a man of results.

The problem isn’t that they’re not on the date, it’s that it seems like he doesn’t even bother him anymore.

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