The government’s billion-euro plan – with these mega-ships away from Putin’s gas

Germany wants to get rid of Putin’s gas.

The problem: It will be years before Qatar and Norway can supply more gas and the liquefied gas terminals on the North Sea coast are ready for use.

A quick interim solution: four floating storage and regasification units for liquefied natural gas (LNG: Liquefied Natural Gas) for a total of more than 2.9 billion euros!

Specifically: Four special ships that act as floating LNG terminals and not only transport the liquid gas, but can also convert it to natural gas on board.

The technical term is Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU).

With a letter from Secretary of State for Finance Katja Hessel (49, FDP) to the Budget Committee, which BILD (Saturday) received, Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (43, FDP) releases the funds – Germany leases the ships specials for ten years.

The objective according to the letter: The “Import of LNG to ensure the supply of gas to the Federal Republic of Germany”.

The Federal Finance Ministry justified the fact that the budget commission was not consulted in advance, but only informed, with tight deadlines for the best possible conditions in the lease of terminals.

“The decision on the application submitted by the Federal Ministry of Economy and Climate Protection (BMWK) on 11 April 2022 was extremely urgent, as contracts had to be signed by BMWK for the charter of three FSRUs on 14 April 2022. 2022 and April 20, 2022, in order to meet the commitment deadlines set by the charter companies,” he said.