The judiciary appoints a doctor to assess the health of Alain Delon – Le Journal de Montréal

A doctor appointed by the court will assess the state of health of Alain Delon with a view to a possible legal protection measure requested by the 88-year-old, very weakened actor and his son Anthony.

• Also read: Delon affair: His son Alain-Fabien filed a lawsuit against his sister Anouchka

For more than a week, the star's three children have been waging a fratricidal war through the media and the judiciary. Each of them vows to protect the legend of French cinema, whose health has deteriorated since suffering a stroke in 2019.

His sons Anthony (59) and Alain-Fabien (29) believe that Delon is being manipulated by their sister Anouchka (33), who allegedly hid his health from them. Anthony accuses him that he would like to bring him back to Switzerland so as not to pay too much inheritance tax.

Anouchka, in turn, accuses her brothers of endangering the life of the actor from “The Swimming Pool and the Cheetah” and claims that she wants to take her father to Switzerland so that he can receive further treatment there.

Things accelerated on Wednesday when Anthony and Alain Delon's lawyers submitted requests to the prosecutor's office to place him under judicial protection “for health reasons.”

The public prosecutor's office publicly acknowledged these requests on Thursday, announcing that it had contacted “an authorized doctor.” […] to assess the situation of Alain Delon,” Montargis prosecutor Jean-Cédric Gaux said in a press release, assuring that this procedure will not be the subject of “other communications.”

As a possible measure of legal protection, the focus is on the legally provided system for adults who are unable to protect their personal or financial interests on their own.

“I am happy that I have been heard,” Laurence Bedossa told AFP. She claims to be Alain Delon's lawyer, which is disputed by parts of the family, and wrote to the prosecutor. “Appointing a specialist ensures that disruptions no longer occur [familiale, NDLR]to assess the need for a protective measures procedure.


Will this judicial action signify a truce in the war between the future heirs, casting a shadow over the twilight of the icon?

On Thursday, in Paris Match, Alain-Fabien Delon, the youngest of the siblings who lives with his father in Douchy (Loiret), accused his sister of exercising “control” over her father.

And also testified to the actor's weakening: “Sometimes he is there, sometimes somewhere else, there are days with and days without.” […]. He recognizes it, forgets it and takes refuge in his thoughts. Most of the time you don't really know what's going on in your head.

For her part, Anouchka believes that Alain Delon's medical care in France is very inadequate and that his Swiss doctors must be able to re-examine him and resume treatments, otherwise they will endanger his life.

On the legal front, Alain-Fabien filed a lawsuit against Anouchka on December 22 for “abuse of weakness” to the detriment of her father.

Anthony announced to Paris Match the filing of a complaint against her, accusing her of failing to inform him of her father's failure in “five cognitive tests” between 2019 and 2022.

The seriousness of the health of Alain Delon, one of the last legends of cinema, remains a family secret. The man, who has been a Swiss citizen since 1999, wants to end his life at his home in Douchy, according to his son Anthony.

Alain Delon, who has retired from the sets, has made few, rare public appearances for years, he was seen at Jean-Paul Belmondo's funeral in September 2021 and has not spoken since his three children publicly fell apart.

On Thursday, Brigitte Bardot supported him: “It is a deplorable mediocrity to tarnish the image of Alain, a sublime icon who represents France with vigor!”, she posted on her social networks.