The judiciary confirms the release of Pierre Palmade

The investigative chamber of the Paris Court of Appeal on Tuesday confirmed the court-supervised release of Pierre Palmade following the serious traffic accident he caused on February 10 while under the influence of cocaine, the Attorney General’s Office said.

The 54-year-old comedian was “prohibited from leaving the hospital he is in,” prosecutors said in a press release.

During its deliberations, according to the Attorney General’s Office, the investigatory chamber found that “Pierre Palmade’s state of health is not incompatible with continued detention” but “the evolution of this state of health has reduced the risks underlying the decision to place him in pre-trial detention.” was based”.

The artist was remanded in custody on February 27 but was never physically taken to prison as he was confined to the hospital bed he was being treated on.

The Melun investigating magistrate granted Pierre Palmade’s release eight days ago, a decision which prosecutors immediately appealed.

On February 10, Pierre Palmade was driving a car on a departmental road in Seine-et-Marne and collided with a vehicle in front. In addition to the actor, three were seriously injured in the accident: a 38-year-old man, his 6-year-old son and his 27-year-old sister-in-law, who lost her expected baby after the collision.

While in police custody, Pierre Palmade, who had been plagued by drug problems for decades, admitted to using cocaine and synthetic drugs before driving, according to Melun prosecutors.

He was charged with manslaughter and involuntary injuries at the hands of a driver who had used narcotics while in a state of legal relapse.