May 22, 2022 3:02 p.m
The Roman band presented the new single “Supermodel” on the TV program of the famous American comedian, who accompanied them on bass
Sporting a blonde wig and glitter makeup, Fallon followed in the musician’s footsteps, even showing that he’d learned the bass line by declaring, “It really happened, they asked me at 11 o’clock. I’ll do it for Vic, I’ll do it. for rock’n’roll, and I’ll do it for the world!”, and then go wild on stage with Damiano, Thomas and Ethan.
Maneskin were the first Italian band to be fronted by Jimmy Fallon’s “Tonight Show”. It was also her first appearance on American television. It was at this stage that they announced last October that they would be opening the Rolling Stones concert in Las Vegas. Also last October, the band made their New York debut with a concert at the Bowery Ballroom in Manhattan.
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