The Test of the Cook, a beloved protagonist struck down by a terrible illness: "Two cardiac stents" | Very serious illnesses iFood

The protagonist's cooking illness testThe logo of La prova del cuoco – ifood (web source)

A popular protagonist of the historical program La prova del cuoco was struck by a terrible illness and risked his life. Who is it about?

For about 20 years he kept millions of Italians company, accompanying them from late morning to lunchtime and also suggesting some ideas to bring to the table.

The cooking test It is one of the programs that made the history of Rai. And it was with great regret that viewers learned first of the change in management, which was already a harbinger of the catastrophe that would occur shortly afterwards, and then of the final closure.

Because when we think about this program, the face of a smiling woman comes to mind Antonella Clerici, who then passed the baton to her colleague Elisa Isoardi. Unfortunately, the inexorable decline in audience numbers led to its permanent closure after just two years.

But in addition to the presenter, other characters have grown dear to us over the years, some of whom hung around the studio as guests and others as permanent residents. And if we found some of them in the studio of Is always Midday, someone else took a different path. Unfortunately, we have to give bad news about one of them: he risked his life due to a terrible illness. Let's find out who it is.

The cooking test: terrible illness for the protagonist

The character we are talking about has appeared over the years since 2009 in La prova del cuoco, where he demonstrated his art of baking perfect bread. King of pizza with an immense passion for his profession, about which he has also written several books, including: The newspaper of Viareggio He explained: “As a child I was always obsessed with farmers and cooking. When we were asked at school which profession was most popular among us children, everyone answered: astronaut, lawyer, footballer. Only I wrote that I wanted to become a farmer.

Then in the podcast One more time He reveals: “My happiness was my anger, no one ever helped me, my parents lived in a social house” and with only 500 euros he opened a small pizzeria at the age of 21.

Gabriele Bonci became illGabriele Bonci – ifood (Instagram photo)

The story of the well-known pizza maker and pizza maker

Let's talk about the tortured Gabriele Bonciwhat was mentioned in the podcast Luca Casadei He also admitted that he was now addicted to cocaine and had health problems. He said: “In 2017 I had a heart attack, I have two stents in my heart and when I was sick, suffering from depression etc… I, in short, tried to end it somehow. “I ate sleeping pills and was on a window, a ledge on the ninth floor, fell asleep.

Since then he has been trying, with many difficulties, to get his life back under control. He has also lost around 40 kilos while sober, but he knows that a relapse is imminent and he has to give his best every day.

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