The truth about Fazio’s farewell to Rai: “I couldn’t do anything else”: the background

For Fazio, the adventure ends in Rai

Even if nobody expected it, in reality it seems for some time that Fazio wanted to leave the national network. TO interval of 20 years From the first episode of Che tempo che fa, Rai 3’s flagship program, the conductor decided to change his life and said goodbye to Rai.

With his program he has kept company with millions of Italians and talked about everything from work to current affairs, always with very interesting topics and in line with the wishes of the public. Fazio left Rai after 40 years of service, causing controversy, criticism and many doubts.

Everyone wondered what the truth about this task was and what The strangest assumptions were made and incredible. But must the farewell to the television necessarily have serious and dramatic reasons? Or discord and strife?

It seems that Fazio greeted everyone very naturally, as is his way, without hate or resentment because there is nothing to blame or blame. So what is the reason for this task? Let’s try to clear things up and to understand what are the real reasons that made Fazio leave Rai!

The real reasons behind Fazio’s departure from Rai

The reason for Fazio’s departure from Rai is simply that The conductor has decided to start a new experience at Discovery. As explained by Rai’s top management, the Warner Bros. group has the honor of having recruited one of the best conductors on the Italian television scene.

It’s not at all true that Fazio left the network for reasons of political alignment, he just chose to go somewhere else. Much to Rai’s chagrin. In addition, Fazio was apparently ready to leave even before the current government took power.

Instead of transmission Che Tempo che fa is broadcast, conducted by Siegfried Ranucci. Rai’s top management is hoping for ratings as it will occupy the prime time previously reserved for Fazio’s broadcast.

From September, Fazio will be with Discovery

Fabio Fazio will therefore moderate a program on Discovery from September. It appears to be a new transfer and Luciana Litizzetto will also be by her side. The conductor might decide to do the same transmission on channel nine as well, luring i Viewers who followed him for 20 years.

Some are convinced that the program could keep the same name, others think it would be better to change it. The conductor hasn’t revealed anything yet about what he is up to, but it is certain that he signed the contract with the new network and left Rai. He will stay with Discovery for four years so he can rest assured that his future is secure.