The United States continues to buy Russian oil. There is still time until April 22nd and the oil tankers will dock in US ports

Some Russian oil is also being bought by the United States. Last 8th of March the White House has banned Russia’s hydrocarbons but it gave the operators time until 22.04 move next and receive cargo with agreed deliveries before stop. Meanwhile, Russian oil is tempting: it’s a lot and it’s cheap. Due to the fear of, and the “stigma” associated with it, it is being sold on balance. EIA (Energy Information Administration) data shows how it is last March the United States bought on average 89,000 barrels per day Russian crude compared to a daily consumption of nearly 20 million barrels. In the first week of March in particular, Russian oil imports were average 148 thousand barrels. After the announcement of the announcement are the purchases fell to 38,000 barrels to then recover in the third and fourth weeks of the month, moving up to 70,000 and 100,000 bbl/day. At current values, this means writing a check to Moscow every day 10 million dollars. In absolute terms, these are not particularly high values. For example, in the same month of 2021 was the daily average of purchases 127 thousand.

The US

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In March, dealers registered several Movements of oil tankers carrying Russian crude oil landed in the US, often after lying at anchor in an international port or off the US coast for days, waiting to better decipher what was and was not permitted. there “Minerva Clare” Used by British Petroleum, it is now anchored in Portland, Texas after days of waiting offshore. The cargo of petroleum products “Elli delivered in Novorossiysk, southern Russia, is now in Florida.

China, the big rush of cheap Russian gas.  The state giants are secretly buying lots of LNG.  The same happens with oil

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With the development of the shale oil sector (extraction of oil from oil sands), the The United States became the leading oil producer to the world ahead of Russia and Saudi Arabia. In theory, the US is selfsufficient, it has actually become so net exporters. This does not mean that you can do without the import altogether. Both for market reasons and because some refiners have done so need to mix selfextracted oil with other qualities found elsewhere. So the US bought from Russia last year 20.4 million barrels of crude oil and refined products per monthMoscow was paying a figure that likely suggests close to $2 billion a month.

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