The woke religion is also infecting the EU: That is changing

The religion woke up it also infects themEU. Brussels was already aware of political correctness and called on MEPs to do so In the name of inclusivity, avoid potentially discriminatory language. The European Institute for Gender Equality – also known by the acronym EIGE – has published a 61-page document detailing this inappropriate language and suggests “valid”. Alternatives in the gender sauce. The guidelines of the report “Toolkit on Gender-sensitive Communication” include eliminating “potentially offensive” terms and reformulating common phrases, starting with “king and queen.”

The bureaucrats created the independent EU body to help achieve this strengthen and promote gender equality They argue that “no man’s land,” referring to World War I, should be replaced by “unclaimed territory.” The document discourages the use of terms such as “intrusive” (“pushy”) and “shrill” (“shrill”), which “have strong connotations associated only with women,” and recommends the use of less gender-specific terms (” assertive”). and “high”, ed.). The same goes for the word “masculine,” which is considered “strongly associated only with men” and should be replaced with “strong or energetic.”

In addition, for some soloists, the “best man for the job” formula should be abolished – obviously too much discriminatory – and replaced with “best candidate for the job”. But that is not all. The document recommends that politicians and media outlets rethink the order of common expressions such as “king and queen” or “brother and sister,” with the man of the couple first: “Try reversing the order of these expressions a few times.” , the suggestion of the new one Bible of the Awakened. A dangerous exaggeration, so much so that it calls into question a very famous line from Star Trek: “Where no man has gone before”. The reason? “Women can face invisibility or omission.”

The abolition of common formulas for hundreds of years in the name of one Taliban fundamentalism which does great harm to common sense. In a period like the current one, between wars and international crises, potentially discriminatory language is at the forefront for some in the EU. Inclusivity as the North Star, with the risk of losing touch with reality. Fierce criticism from the UK of Conservative MP Nick Fletcher: “I think this is nonsense, especially when there are much more serious issues that we have to worry about,” reports the Telegraph. “Something like this is a waste of time.” Unfortunately, this is not the first crazy case. There has been a lot of talk in 2022 about the term “fishermen,” which some believe should be replaced by the broader term “fisherpeople.” No, unfortunately it's not a joke.

EIGE's Bignamino is not a simple individual initiative, but a significant contribution from an organization founded to ensure that “the European Union becomes a union of equal rights, in which women and men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, have the freedom to “You have made a decision, have the same opportunities and can equally be part of our societies and also take on a leadership role,” we read on the portal. On more than one occasion, expert evidence and research has illustrated this first step towards developing inclusive, transformative measures to promote gender equality.