There isn’t one, but it’s worth arresting Ovidio Guzmán

There isnt one but its worth arresting Ovidio Guzman

The facts are compelling: despite the cost of human lives and material losses, the government of the republic managed to arrest a suspected criminal known for his relatives, who was accused of his own illegal activities and who became a symbol of impunity and power of a Organized had become criminal group. Faced with this capture, there are those who try, but those who do, to find fault or ensure success in an effort that disqualifies or belittles the obvious.

The political struggle must have a limit. The limit of permanent disqualification, of unrelenting bitterness, of the manifest will not to recognize the deeds and statements of the other, a behavior that has been installed in Mexico not only since 2018, becomes clear at a time when it is about neither more nor less, the rights of society. And there are situations when it is necessary to get to the right side of the border.

López Obrador’s government has dealt a serious blow to organized crime, which is excellent news for the country given the way it was carried out but above all its importance. On the other hand, part of the critical press and quite a few who claim to be security specialists do not see it that way.

Until Thursday, Ovidio was a huge stumbling block not from President López Obrador, but from the possibilities for the country to establish a rule of law. The arrest of this young but well-known character from one of the drug cartels initially has only one possible reading. If the government could stop him, then they can do more things, like that or like that. Such a finding speaks for society, primarily for the residents of Sinaloa, secondarily for those of Mexico.

Note the success of the operation without underestimating the military casualties and those of the suspected criminals – and also stress that the bullets did not claim the lives of the citizens in so many hours of chaos after the arrest – but watch out All that being said, the legitimacy of the fact itself, the government’s decision not to let those who once escaped unpunished by taking a company and the armed forces hostage, is worth more than any other considering it is trying to stop that action of the López Obrador government.

The contexts of the facts are important, but first and foremost these should be those which, when measured, allow us to guide the answer we have in front of them.

Not everything goes into political confrontation. The government’s takeover, having opted for an operation of such scale and complexity that it has carefully resolved despite post-capture confrontational scenarios – predictable after Black Thursday 39 months ago, but no less risky – pays for the opportunity conquests like this will be even more successful as they would result in a resounding message to those intending to defy society by force: We are not divided here.

However, the success of the armed forces and the civilian command in charge of them has not resulted in a common, unified reading. There’s plenty of analysis and twists and turns, with buts and nuances, accommodating readings of what would have been desirable or ideal, there’s a pettiness that doesn’t want to face the obvious: who, if not criminals, would be the only losers from such an effective portrayal institutional capacities .

To haggle government recognition for the operation carried out in Culiacán and to describe the coup as at the request of the United States is not only logistically easy, but also disregards the most important reality: there has been no war won at all, peace has come in vain .

In a democracy, in elections and in power spaces such as legislative chambers or public spaces of opinion, opponents contest the right to set paths and strategies, priorities and methods. Sometimes, however, no one in Mexico should confuse when something benefits everyone, regardless of origin or polarized context.

Admitting by the opposition and critics that this fact is an achievement without adjectives will not help the President of the Republic possibly persist in his effectively disqualifying or reductionist agenda, but something more important. It will remind locals and strangers alike that despite the polarization, the daily and incessant noise, those who claim to be defending the institutions can indeed do so, even if an adversary is the one who helped make them have an outstanding day had.

Sinaloan society is wondering aloud when it will stop being the victims of acts of terrorism like those that followed the arrest of one of the emblematic figures of the cartel that sadly usurps the name of such a precious state. One of the answers to this question lies in the support everyone gives, even for the immediate hours, to the arrest and the perpetrators.

Especially since Sinaloa is not a separate or unique case. Just a few days ago, Ciudad Juárez was kidnapped by criminals who killed prison guards. This flight of dangerous inmates was just a consequence of the root problem: we live in a country where criminals block roads, open prisons, close shops, and kidnap people if they choose. This is the case in Culiacán as in Guadalajara, in Cuautla as in Tijuana, in Acapulco and Cancún, in cities in the Zacatecas desert and in the Sierra Tarahumara.

There are times for everything. In the next few days, thanks to national and foreign journalists, Mexican and foreign experts, we will learn more about what happened at the Jesús María Syndicate in Culiacan early Thursday morning. But what you see is enough for the first lessons.

The operation was underway, and the clamor of the commentocracy prompted the President to release details about it in real time. Not so well informed, that’s why you get up early, tell us, we call you, we challenge you… rule for social networks in it too, isn’t that very controlling on the agenda?

Yes, the current administration has been an active instigator of resentment and acrimony. But its critics, and especially those who have had the privilege and shame of having been in other administrations, should show that before they shout judgments about something that is happening that could affect the lives of state officials and innocent people, we must – whether they deserve it or not – decide when in doubt. Catching a kingpin can spell bad news before, during, and after surgery, and they know it.

Ovidio slept in a maximum security prison. And for the good, Sinaloa resumed operations the next day. New challenges will come as this cartel is reconfigured; In view of this, any government action is more likely to succeed when it has the backing of a society that declares that there is no political dispute when it comes to risking the peace worth dividing.

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