They are threatened with extinction: Farewell to this beloved species NanoPress Travel

This species is at high risk of extinction. Other victims of climate change, let's see together what it's all about.

An endangered species –

The consequences of climate change are now a huge problem that scientists around the world are trying to counteract by all means possible. Pollution, the reckless use of plastics and large pollutants in the ocean are slowly changing our planet's ecosystems.

Which species is threatened with extinction?

Of course, changing ecosystems also means an incredible number of endangered species. Many are forced to move in search of a better climate, others are at risk of soon being left without a livelihood.

One species in particular now appears to be in danger of extinction. Sound the alarm immediately The guard Report on a long research carried out by several experts. Apparently the affected species is not just one, but a fifth of freshwater fish species.

The main reasons are the fall in the water level while the river level rises and the sudden climatic changes between a season and the water. The greatest expert in the field, Kathy Hughes, co-chair of the Freshwater Fish Specialist Group working for the IUCN Species Survival Commission, is very clear. This is a terrible alarm, as these fish clearly make up half of the known fish species.

To get straight into the Red list for the federal government and nature conservationThat's 3,086 out of 14,898. This is a list identifying the species that are classified as critically endangered.

Species endangered and others almost certain

This list includes fish such as the largetooth predator from Lake Turkana in Kenya and the giant catfish from the Mekong in Southeast Asia. And there is no shortage of that either Atlantic salmon, green turtles and botanical species such as mahogany.

Green sea turtles in particular are repeatedly caught by industrial fisheries. Its eggs in particular are considered very tasty in some countries. Not to mention, rising temperatures are affecting egg laying, which is already at risk from increasingly submerged nests.

As for poor bigleaf mahogany, it appears to have declined by 60% in the last 180 years. The reason? His refinement. It is a precious wood used for musical instruments, furniture and various decorations. In some areas of Central America, killing him is considered illegal.

The Return of the Antelope –

Fortunately, some of these endangered species are being saved. As in the case the saiga antelope. In seven years it appears to have increased by 1,100 percent, especially in areas of Kazakhstan. A real success, followed by the reintroduction of the scimitar oryx, a mammal that was threatened with extinction in the 1990s due to intensive hunting.

However, these are species that must be kept strictly under control because, as we remind every day, the climate crisis is already underway.