Tiago Leifert updates on his daughter’s health as she battles rare cancer TV

Tiago Leifert shared fresh updates on the health of his twoyearold daughter Lua. The child is battling bilateral retinoblastoma, a rare type of eye cancer. The journalist was amazed by the positive reaction of the heiress to the treatment.

The former BBB presenter is one of the guests on this Saturday’s (6th) Altas Horas show on Globo. Leifert gave details of Lua’s grooming routine and celebrated the positive response to April’s treatment. “She’s had a good month, she’s still being treated. It was the first month that she didn’t need any medical intervention,” he revealed.

“Luna cancer is rare, it develops inside the eyes and is common in children,” he warned. “If you have a child at home with a different eye, with a white spot, run to the eye doctor.”

Lua’s diagnosis was made in October 2021. Leifert left Globo in a hurry to devote himself to treating his daughter. In January 2022, the journalist shared the case with the public. The tumor was discovered in grade E, the maximum stage of the disease.

“I took her off the crib to play and found that she wasn’t looking me in the eye but to the side. I went in front of the mirror and saw how her little eye made an erratic movement,” he recalled in an interview with Fantástico. “The ophthalmologist said it wasn’t good and we needed to see a specialist right away because it was a tumour,” added Daiana Garbin, the presenter’s wife.

Retinoblastoma is a type of cancer that occurs at the back of the eye and affects the cells of the retina. This form of the disease is more common in childhood and accounts for an average of 2.5 to 4% of all pediatric tumors.

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