for Volodymyr Zelenskyy it looks bad. Yes, because a very harsh article in the New York Times rains down on the Prime Minister of Ukraine. Nothing against him, mind you. Also nothing favorable for Russia or for Wladimir Putin. The newspaper simply explains to the US advanced intelligentsia that Ukraine cannot win this war and that is why the West, but especially Joe Biden, should revise his theories. A disruptive article reported by Il Fatto Quotidiano.
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“Avril Hainesthe director of national intelligence, writes the New York Times, recently warned the Senate Armed Services Commission that the next few months could be unstable. “And again the newspaper declares that the war between Ukraine and Russia could last.”a more unpredictable and potentially escalating trajectory“In short, Kiev’s victory is almost impossible or almost impossible. And finally, the NYT continues: “It is not yet in America’s best interest to start an all-out war with Russia,” even if “a negotiated peace.” could demand all ‘Ukraine difficult decisions’.
The leading daily newspaper therefore asks Biden to clarify long-term goals: “The United States, for example, is trying to end the conflict through an agreement that would allow for sovereign Ukraine and some relationship between the United States and Russia? Or are they trying to permanently weaken Russia?” Incidentally, snakes in the Biden administration, which split into two factions, also doubt this.
“Without clarity on these issues, the White House risks not only losing American interest in helping Ukrainians — who continue to suffer loss of life and livelihood — but it also endangers long-term peace and security on the European continent‘ the NYT thundered. On the war on the ground, the newspaper adds: “It is tempting to view Ukraine’s extraordinary successes against Russian aggression as a sign that, with sufficient American and European assistance, Ukraine is on the verge of repelling Russia in its own positions ahead of the invasion: “It follows that the strategy of sending in arms would be the only option.”But that is a dangerous assumption“, notes the daily. The closure is very harsh: “A decisive military victory of Ukraine over Russia, in which you retake all the territories that Russia has conquered since 2014, is not a realistic goal.” Words like stones weigh.