What do you do when your ghost boyfriend is chasing you? In the Upload season 2 premiere, Nora hasn’t heard anything from Nathan so far and the ghosts go both ways because Nathan also gets an unintentional cold treatment from Nora during the episode.
The half hour begins with Nora abandoning Byron and hoping to get into another car with her father, who takes her to the Ladd camp to keep her safe from people connected to Nathan’s death. The followers of the movement reject technology – Nora throws her phone on a tree branch in the forest – and eat real food grown in the ground from heirloom seeds. But not everyone in the band going back to basics is attractive: Nora isn’t a fan of Pastor Rob’s “patriarchal creep show.” Community leader Matteo (Royal Pains’ Paulo Costanzo) assures her that not everyone is like Pastor Rob, who hates all digital afterlife. Nora settles into her new home, and just a few weeks later, she is the one who gives the welcome speech to the newcomers and grows food with Matteo.
Meanwhile, Nathan is finally released from 2 Gig now that Ingrid has finished redecorating their room (their bed is “a king’s width but a queen’s length”, she explains) and is calling for her angel. Alisha appears and explains that Nora has been missing for weeks, leaving Alisha to juggle two groups of clients as well as “one extremely difficult Karen”, also known as Ingrid. (Is there a benefit to having a high-priority client? Alisha gets promoted to junior manager and her own temp.)
After being cornered by Luke, who seriously misses his best friend, Nathan escapes into a schwitz bath to track Nora’s phone and hack into her Nitely account in hopes of finding her. Every day he spends hours searching, telling Ingrid he’s going to the gym.
Back at the Ladd camp, Matteo and Nora share a cute moment over a giant potato and he asks if he’s the only one feeling something. Nora says no, but there is someone at home. While she’s at the post office, handing in old-fashioned mail (“It’s an envelope. That’s how your ancestors got spam,” one of the Ladds explains to the newcomers), Nora decides to use the avatar to check on Nathan, who’s returned from his Swiss to Ingrid.
Ingrid admits that her upload was impulsive and controlling. She then asks Nathan if he has fallen in love with another upload. He confesses that he had feelings for someone, but it’s over. Ingrid isn’t entirely surprised by his confession. “You’re wonderful. Many people will love you. Just not as much as I do,” she sincerely says, while promising that she can change and return his love. Nathan kisses her, and Nora’s virtual cat avatar looks at her, and the scene cuts to reveal that… Ingrid is in a hug suit, not dead!
A frustrated Nora returns to the Ladd camp and invites Matteo for a drink, while Nathan gets up from his bed and Ingrid’s bed to leave Nora a voice message. He tells her that he loves her too and that he doesn’t deserve someone like her. Because she doesn’t return his calls, he has to put up with the fact that she doesn’t want to talk to him. “Goodbye, angel,” he concludes when Nora has a phantom phone call.
As for the murder mystery, a NYC Cybercrime detective is investigating last season’s elevator death and suspects it to be a possible homicide.
Fans, upload, what do you think of the first episode and this twist with Ingrid? Rate it below, then hit the comments!