Venice, Clizia Incorvaia parades on the red carpet: It’s raining criticism

Venice Clizia Incorvaia parades on the red carpet Its raining

A few days earlier Venice the 80th edition of the Film exhibition. The famous Kermesse, where in the past Hollywood stars of the caliber of Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio and Sophia Loren paraded and where today actors like Adam Driver And Bradley Cooper. But in the age of social media, there can certainly be no shortage of them influence, the new stars on our red carpet. He was also present at the festival Clizia Incorvaiawithout his partner Paolo Ciavarro being present in the stands of the Olimpico.

The Sicilian appeared in the lagoon wearing a long, light dress from the SoloGioie brand. Her closest supporters greeted her with an avalanche of positive comments. But not everyone agreed. Some of those who do not obey it diligently have it criticized, even in a vulgar way: “What is she doing?”; “But What does this have to do with cinema? ”; “Stay home and go to work”; “But what does it mean in Venice?”

Nothing new. In recent years, many haters have lashed out at those they believe have no right to walk the runway with movie stars. But in recent years, the Venice Film Festival has taken on a new face, welcoming people on the red carpet who have nothing to do with the films in competition, but who have followers and who, above all, end up in the lagoon to sponsor brands Haute Couture.

This is how Giulia Salemi presents herself on the red carpet in Venice.  It's raining insults |  photo