Vera Fischer comments on problems with her daughter: “It was suffering”

João Mello Special for Uai

posted on 05/22/2022 15:05

    (Source: Reproduction/TV Globo)

(Source: Reproduction/TV Globo)

Vera Fischer gave a very insightful interview on the Conversa Com Bial show last Friday (May 20th). The actress spoke about her new play, the show Quando para Mãe Eu Quero Amar Desse Jeito, reminiscing about previous troubles like some difficult romances and her relationship with her daughter Rafaela.

In the play, Vera plays Dulce Carmona, a mother obsessed with her son. Dulce was a very wealthy woman, but suddenly she saw her family in decline. In the play, the actress shares the stage with Mouhamed Harfouch, who plays her son, and Larissa Maciel, who plays her daughterinlaw.

In addition to the play, the actress touched on more controversial issues. From her marriage to actor Perry Salles, who died of terminal cancer in 2009, to her tumultuous romance with another actor, Felipe Camargo.

When her husband discovered the cancer, Vera said she couldn’t express her feelings, so she went to see an analyst. “I couldn’t cry and had to hold everyone. At the time he was making Caminho das Índias. He got off the soap opera and ran home. I made fun of it, I joked … Then wounds began to appear on my body. My immunity has dropped to zero. I had a very large wound in my mouth that was going to turn into cancer and I had to have it removed. I was looking for an analyst to whom she said on my first visit: ‘You can cry, cry. I give you permission.’ Then I cried uncontrollably all the tears of pain. When I looked, she cried,” Vera said.

Speaking about her romance with Felipe Camargo, the artist said she needed more abuse because she was dating a younger man and didn’t want to feel like a “fish out of water.” “Before (Felipe) I had a more peaceful life. It was a more intellectual life, more work, more children. I didn’t abuse it that much. Then I had to be abused because I had to live with much younger people. And what young people did, I had to do, otherwise I was a fish out of water,” said the 70yearold actress.

Bial then asked if Vera Fischer remembered an interview he was given when she was admitted to a rehabilitation clinic. The actress confirmed and shared her experience of being in the hospital.

“I went there voluntarily because I was determined to listen to these people. They were very intelligent people. Everyone had a different drug addiction history. I always learn a lot from people and their stories.”

The relationship and comparisons with the daughter

Vera is the mother of Gabriel Camargo, the result of a relationship with Felipe Camargo, and Rafaela Fischer, born when the actress was married to Perry Salles. During the interview, the veteran said the exposure of her life in the press ultimately affected her relationship with her daughter, who was constantly compared to her own mother.

“I had very explosive moments in my life when the press desperately invaded my life, my daughter’s life. She moved to the US because people wanted to compare her to me, and they did. She gained and lost weight. It was unbearable suffering for her and for me.”