Viña del Mar 2024: Ruby Palomino returned to Peru after participating

Brenda Garcia Retamal

Ruby Palomino's followers were waiting for her at the airport and the actress took the opportunity to support her partner Lita Pezo.

After I was part of Vina del Mar 2024, Peruvian Ruby Palomino set foot on home soil after a competition in Chile. Although it wasn't one of the top spots, it was seen by millions of people around the world, and now when it arrived in Peru, it was greeted by its fans at the airport.

Although they failed to raise a silver gull, the interpreter took the opportunity to do so Support Lita Pezo, who came closest to victory.

“I think that, like Lita, I gave it my all, we showed it and we have it left. Every time I sang, in.” Vineyard “People were roaring, so I feel like a winner,” Ruby Palomino said. Likewise, she assured that it is difficult to enter the world of music with the folklore genre, which is why she joked with a request for Eva Ayllón.

“Actually, I already told Eva (Ayllón): 'Now please sponsor me' (laughs). But no, I have had my independent career for many years and you know that. It is not easy to be an artist.” “In our country, it is very difficult to be a cultural artist. In fact, I said it in Chile that it is very difficult to judge the culture of a country because culture is the basis of society,” he added. Ruby Palomino for the Republic.

What was Ruby Palomino's average score in Viña del Mar 2024?

In the international competition of Vineyard 2024, the Mexican Eddy Valenzuela, the Chilean Charly Benavente and the Spanish Enrique Ramil performed. In this round, Ramil was at the top with a partial average of 5.6, excluding the three votes from the secret jury. Then this came People's competition. Argentina began with its representatives Ahyre and the song La Luna in a sober interpretation. Mexican Yaneth Sandoval followed with Flor de campo in a more colorful proposal.

Ruby Palomino closed this block through interpretation Song for a sad planet, by Francisco García Silva (lyrics) and Jesús “el Viejo” Rodríguez (music). “Our country is suffering and today we will sing to save it,” he said as the music began.

Palomino offered a happier proposal, combining the sounds of Andean carnival with a message of environmental awareness. However, their average partial score was 4.8, which is the lowest value in this first round. This means that Yaneth Sandoval and Ahyre are currently in first and second place at the top of the table. Against this background, the public is the Quinta Vergara He expressed his displeasure with shouts and boos.

What song did Lita Pezo perform at the Viña del Mar 2024 International Competition?

Lita Pezo shone in her presentation at the fourth gala of the Viña del Mar Festival 2024 on the night of last Wednesday, February 28th.

The Peruvian wowed the Chilean audience at the Quinta Vergara amphitheater when she performed her song fighter with which he was able to maintain first place in the international competition of the competition.

As a matter of fact, Lita Pezo She gave a brilliant performance with the song composed by José Abraham and sang her voice with her own style on stage. This time the woman from Loreto appeared in a shiny silver suit, accompanied by a dance cast of women in red fabrics who accompanied the singer.