Virgo, today’s horoscope March 14, 2023: You will be a hard worker

We present you with your horoscope for this Tuesday so that you know what to expect in love, work and wealth. In detail the predictions of the day in the horoscope sign by sign.

Your Virgo horoscope tells us that you can grow in your family environment in very positive ways, being able to understand your loved ones and seek their care and protection, something the Moon in your 4th house does created in you.

forecast of the day

You will be very veiled by Lilith in your 12th house if you don’t pay attention to her actions in your time as she can be very secretive but recognizable so she looks for what she creates in your actions and tries to to control .


You will be able to create many of the passions that fill you up and bring you great joy as you learn to constantly transform and renew yourself in those same passions, as you learn more and create more through Pluto in your 5th house.


You can make very good contributions to your health if you incorporate positive ideologies that will give you better habits and opportunities to get very good internal responses that will help you maintain your full health.


You will be able to conquer the ways in which you have the power to improve your world of work through your mind because with Aquarius in your house 6 you have that connection to innovation and creativity that comes from working on it very well can have results .


You will have great social power with which to generate very good developments before financial actions if you connect with your customers in a very loving and noble way through the influence of Libra.

few prediction

You must be very patient in the face of conflict situations that may arise today due to Combustion and the presence of Saturn in your 7th house as this can cause you many problems with your partner if you are not patient and tolerant of negative swings in a Relationship. Love.


Love: Sagittarius, Aries, Leo
Friendship: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
Labor: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
sexual energy: good

Advice of the day

You are very intense about your ideas and professional projects as the power of Mars brings you many of the intense and energetic capacities that allow you to work hard today to achieve your goals soon.