Virgo Weekly Horoscope: December 4th to 10th, 2023

Inside Horoscope Virgo, from the week of December 4th to 10th, Venus It will inspire you to plan a trip, experience pleasant moments and overcome difficult situations. In the meantime, Neptune begins its direct path by clarifying your commercial doubts and mistrust.


After five months, Neptune begins its direct path in the area of ​​your horoscope for business partnerships and legal processes.

During this time you have received business offers that made you suspicious and to which you have therefore not yet responded. You also had doubts about whether or not to proceed with some pending litigation because you felt it was not worth doing them.

However, when Wednesday comes and the mentioned change in the direction of the planet begins, you will already have a very clear idea of ​​the business you are going to follow and you will move forward.


This week Venus moves into Scorpio and with this move you will be more expressive and friendly. The inner well-being you will feel will show you how beautiful everything is around you. They will also organize a multi-day trip to a nearby place to experience pleasant moments and thus overcome the difficult situations.

Since the above planet is also associated with love, this journey could see you find someone you really like and start a relationship. So prepare this Aphrodite bath, a ritual that will help you become someone irresistible.

Check your horoscope for today here


This will be a good week in general, but especially if you have been feeling listless or weak. Thanks to the change of direction of the planet Neptune and the change of sign of Venus, you will notice that you will feel better every day.


It is important that you use the energy of the moon and cleanse your physical and energetic body of emotional fears. I recommend this ritual: Take a candle and write the words on it that represent what you feel.

Then coat it with honey, light it and focus on the flame. As you see the drops of wax melt, imagine your worries leaving your body. You will feel that the strength returns to you and you are energetically clean.



It will be the best day of the week for you Tuesday, Thanks to the fact that the Moon is in your sign, it meets Saturn and both will give you strength and encouragement. For this reason, you can plan your goals for the last month of the year in good time.


The key is to realize that you need to cleanse your energy bodies from time to time because this is where you will attract better situations.

Check here:

Virgo monthly horoscope for December

Annual horoscope Virgo 2023

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Silvia Rioja and Silvia Rioja contributed.