Vladimir Putin, Attack on trains: the last minute blitz that ruins Putin’s plan

Vladimir Putin Attack on trains the last minute blitz that

Attacks on the Russians spread. After destroying several Kremlin ships, the Ukrainians announce a new sabotage. To pay the cost a Russian armored train in the busy south, near Melitopol. Some videos of the convoy damaged some wagons, including those used for troop transport.

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A real router for Wladimir Putin which has to deal with the resistance in Kyiv. On the other hand, Moscow immediately decided to use special railway trains, called “beasts of war”, consisting of armored wagons equipped with machine guns, with pairs of locomotives for hauling war loads, fuel tanks and vehicles. Baykal and Amur, as they are called, have already been tested in several conflicts.

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In addition to trains, the Ukrainians target raids behind the lines. So it was no coincidence that a high-ranking Russian officer died in Melitopol. to commit raid small teams and “left behind” people, with good knowledge of their country. These are people with simple weapons, grenades, explosives. Meanwhile, Kyiv has created a special unit to track down intruders and spies, and it has already paid off. About 90 cells were found with a total of 757 arrests, according to government sources. On the other hand, the tsar did not sit idly by and gave more responsibility to the deputy director of the Gru, Vladimir Alexeyeva veteran of covert ops.

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