Waitress carries 13 mugs of beer at the same time

Waitress stacks 13 mugs of beer.

Waitress stacks 13 mugs of beer.

Photo: Photo: Reproduction tik tok @verenaangeiermer

How many beer mugs can you carry at the same time? If you are a waiter or waitress, you may be able to hold a larger crowd than normal people. But would the most experienced waiter be able to stack 13 mugs of beer?

Well, a waitress from Germany has achieved this feat. A video showing this feat was posted on TikTok and has already received more than 45 million views and around 2.4 million likes.

The ease with which waitress Verena Angermeier stacks the mugs at Oktoberfest, the traditional beer festival in Germany, caught the attention of Internet users from different parts of the world.

The video published on Verena’s profile divides opinions. “If I took 4, I would fall. This small step would make me trip and fall,” one user commented on TikTok. “Congratulations, I’m a waiter and it’s not easy,” said another.

Verena received a lot of praise for her skills, but there were people who didn’t really like what they saw. “Show your talent and earn the same salary,” wrote one netizen. “Proud of the boss,” said another.

Source: Redação Terra