we explain why Putin is now threatening Italy and the possible consequences »ILMETEO.it

RussiaUkraine War: We explain why Putin is now threatening Italy and the possible consequences

We explain to you why Putin is now threatening Italy We explain why Putin is now threatening Italy Putin is threatening Italy. Threatened with irreversible consequences if sanctions are tightened,
the director of the First Europe Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Alexei Paramonovpoints the finger at Italian Defense Minister Lorenzo Guerini, accused of being an antiRussian hawk in the RussiaUkraine war.

Paramonov recalls the help of Russia to Italy in 2020, in full pandemic emergency. “Italy was provided by the significant aid Department of Defense, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Health of Russia. By the way he says a request for help from the Russian side was sent at that time also by the Italian Defense Minister Lorenzo Guerini, who today He is one of the main hawks and inspirers of the antiRussian campaign in the Italian government.

Paramonov points out that, in his opinion, sending a humanitarian mission to Italy, which was severely affected by the coronavirus in MarchApril 2020, Russia was not driven by the desire to receive dividends in terms of reputation or foreign policy, but there is a sense of compassiona desire to help the Italian people in one of the most difficult moments of their postwar history.

Paramonov, continues with further statements. “We expect that in Rome, as in other European capitals, they will come to their senses anyway, remembering the deep interests of their peoples, the consistently peaceful and respectful of their foreign policy aspirations.” Paramonov He therefore hopes that all this “can give” the pass. more sober and balanced attitudeswhich aims to find ways to ensure the security and prosperity of the entire European continent and not just part of it.

What could happen to Italy? Russia could cut off hydrocarbon supplies to Italy in response to Western sanctions, which Rome has joined. Given Rome’s significant reliance on Russian hydrocarbons reaching them 4045%the refusal of Russian supplies, as confirmed by republic it would have extremely negative consequences for the national economy and for all Italians. Lorenzo Guerini’s answer was not long in coming. “We don’t put any weight on propaganda. Instead, we encourage every political and diplomatic step that puts an end to the suffering of the Ukrainian people, said the defense minister. “Italy stands by Ukraine’s side and will continue to be so.”