What Boston Herald journalist Doug Kyed's daughter died of

Doug Kyed, a sports reporter for the Boston Herald, experiences one of the worst moments of his life after his two-year-old daughter ceased to exist on January 21, 2024. The news surprised her thousands of followers who wanted to know what exactly happened to her little girl. In the following sections we will explain it for you.

It is worth noting that the journalist is known in the world of sports, especially for covering events of the National Hockey League (NHL, the English acronym).

The journalist with his wife and little Hallie, who died at the age of two (Photo: Doug Kyed / Instagram

What did Doug Kyed's daughter die of?

Doug Kyed's two-year-old daughter Hallie Kyed died after battling cancer. It was the same reporter who announced it in April 2023to the small one He was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia.so he had to undergo one Chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant.

Although the intervention was successful, the disease spiraled out of control The minor suffered a relapse in the week of January 2024. “The doctors at Boston Children's Hospital did everything they could to help Hallie, but she unfortunately lost her battle with cancer,” he wrote.

In the video below, Kyed wrote: “Hallie forever. I don't know what I'll do without you. We made sure you knew you were so loved. It helped me to look at photos and videos while having a hard time saying goodbye. “His smile and laughter still make me so happy.”

The little girl battled cancer for nine months

The communicator said his entire family had hoped that his daughter would recover, because all along Over the past nine months, he had shown that he was very brave in the face of evil, until complications arose..

So she spent much of her days in the hospital where she was admitted, sharing with her daughter the activities she enjoyed: painting and playing with dolls. She even used sign language to say much more.

“My wife and I took turns caring for Hallie and our five-year-old daughter Olivia at home,” he said, according to a Univision release.


Through his Instagram account, Doug Kyed announced the death of his daughter and his feelings. His words resonated with everyone. “Hallie died peacefully in her sleep with Jen and I holding her hands in bed.”starts writing.

“Without Hallie we are completely lost and heartbroken. Our lives will never be the same. She was a special girl who had a very positive influence on everyone she met. We are lucky to be called her parents and to have Olivia, the best little sister. Unfortunately, the chemotherapy was ineffective and his aggressive form of leukemia spiraled out of control within an hour of starting treatment. (…). Nothing could prepare us for this moment when she was diagnosed in April or after the successful transplant last October (…). The world is a worse place without Hallie,” said the Boston Herald journalist.


According to the American Cancer Society, acute myeloid leukemia begins in the bone marrow and quickly moves into the blood. “Sometimes it spreads to other parts of the body, including the lymph nodes, liver, spleen, central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), and testicles,” it says on its website.