What was the secret connection between Pablo Escobar and Griselda Blanco

Drug traffickers and Colombians: What was the relationship between Griselda Blanco and Pablo Escobar (file photo)

Drug traffickers and Colombians: What was the relationship between Griselda Blanco and Pablo Escobar (file photo)

“The only man I ever feared in my life was a woman named Griselda Blanco.”“, are the words with which the new Netflix series Griselda begins, which tells the life of the Colombian drug trafficker who built a drug empire in the USA in the 70s and 80s. This sentence was – presumably – said by Pablo Escobar Gaviria, who unfortunately became known also for distributing cocaine in his native Colombia. Given the similarities the two share, many are surprised What relationship brought them together?.

With the premise of telling life of popular characters in the culture of some countries, streaming platforms focused on audiovisual productions with this thematic axis. Until now, Pablo Escobar He was one of the characters about whom these kinds of stories were made. is considered the “King of Cocaine” who crossed the borders of his native Colombia. But now the name of Griselda Blanco is well received because his life was brought to the small screen through the hand of Sofia Vergara.

Blanco was murdered in Medellín, Colombia in 2012;  I was 69 years oldBlanco was murdered in Medellín, Colombia in 2012;  I was 69 years old

Blanco was murdered in Medellín, Colombia in 2012; I was 69 years old

At the age of 27, Blanco left Colombia and traveled to the United States due to problems with her husband Alberto Bravo. There he started drug trafficking and invented the ideal routes for transporting drugs across borders. She was nicknamed the “Queen of Cocaine.”.

Sofia Vergara as Griselda Blanco in the new Netflix seriesSofia Vergara as Griselda Blanco in the new Netflix series

Sofia Vergara as Griselda Blanco in the new Netflix series – Credits: @Netflix

His story has certain similarities to Escobar's. However, she is credited with promoting certain violent treatments to achieve her goals. Griselda executed his company is based in Miami and he is based in Medellín. Despite the distance, the rivalry between them was not long in coming.

Although theories about the relationship between the most well-known drug lords vary – some suggest a romance – the confrontation theory may be the most viable due to the similarity of their dealings.

As published by Semana, he would have used the routes she drew for the transfer of cocaine to the United Statesand what began as recognition for the work ended in a long confrontation with deaths on both sides, a situation that increased the formation of mafias.

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Mugshot of Pablo Escobar, arrested in the 70sMugshot of Pablo Escobar, arrested in the 70s

Mugshot of Pablo Escobar, arrested in the 70s

Also available are the Blanco's “innovations” in this regard, as he managed to get the prestigious “mules”. People transporting illegal substances were not caught by forcing them to put the drugs in their underwear so that they could disappear during police checks at the borders.

These two criminals were the main reason for the creation of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in the United States, which made the main focus of its work to be able to arrest the two Colombians who were supplying drugs to the country. They did it with Escobar because after years of searching for him, December 2, 1993 He was found and killed by authorities. Griselda, in turn, She died in 2012, murdered by contract killers.a modality attributed to him as one of his mafia creations.

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The tragic end of Griselda Blanco's life and criminal career