1 of 2 Which New Year's magic works? 5 rituals to attract good luck Photo: Freepik Which New Year's magic works? 5 rituals to attract good luck — Photo: Freepik
As 2024 approaches, many people are looking for practices to advance their goals in the new cycle. But do they work? We selected some New Year's spells (that are even practiced by celebrities!) and consulted the experts at Personare to find out if they work and why.
Who knows, some of these practices could inspire you too and increase your success in 2024? It is worth noting that this fact or fake follows the knowledge of some therapies and studies, but every person also has their own beliefs (and that's okay!).
In fact, the most important thing when performing a spell or ritual practice is the INTENTION you put into it. There is no miracle, but if you stick to what you really want, you will definitely get closer to that goal.
Sympathies that work ✨
- Lingerie Color of the Year: Wearing lingerie in the color that rules the year works because the color of 2024 (pink) is associated with communication in relationships and emotional healing.
- Herbal and coarse salt bath: This ritual works because the coarse salt absorbs negative energies and the herbs protect against negativity.
- Numerological card: The Annual Chart works because it shows the trends in each person's personal year based on numerology. Make your own here!
- White panties: Wearing white panties works because white represents peace and purity.
- Light a candle: Lighting a candle works because it activates intentions and can purify, transform and motivate.
2 of 2 Which New Year's magic works? 5 rituals to attract good luck Photo: Freepik Which New Year's magic works? 5 rituals to attract good luck — Photo: Freepik
- No dark look: Using colors that evoke good energy works for some people, but there is no specific color that works for everyone. It depends on personal goals. But you can discover the best color for you here.
- 7 waves: Skipping seven waves may produce protection and cleansing for some, but the result may vary from person to person.
- Eating lentils: Eating lentils is associated with prosperity, but the result depends on intention and high vibrations.
- New clothing: Wearing new clothes is a tradition that can vary depending on personal finances, and shine is a personal choice that has no direct connection to wealth. Therefore, it depends on personal circumstances and preferences.
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