Who won the Bate e Volta test at BBB 24? Northeast Diary

After the first Bate e Volta test of Big Brother Brasil (BBB) ​​​​24, David It is Pitel saved themselves from the wall this week. The race, which took place on Sunday evening (28th), consisted of two stages and depended on the luck of the participants.

A total of five people took part in the Bate e Volta test: Davidnominated by the House of Representatives with nine votes; Juninho, Luigi It is Pitel, nominated by Marcus Vinicius, who replied to Big Fone; It is Alanenominated by consensus from the trio around Marcus.

How was the test

In the first step, the five brothers had to randomly choose between 15 numbered bags. Four of them were awarded diamonds those with the correct numbers advanced to the second phase. Juninho He didn't make it and immediately got stuck on the wall.

In the final phase of the game, the four remaining players positioned themselves on stairs and used cards with messages to advance, retreat or intervene in the game. Whoever got to the top of the stairs first won.

The first to arrive was David. Immediately, Pitel. Not only were the two able to escape the wall, but they also won two weeks in VIP.

Isabelle who did not take part in the Bate e Volta race because she was recommended by the leader , Juninho, Luigi and Alane remain on the wall.