Women for Women: Isis and Giovanni have a final reckoning

1 of 3 Isis and Giovanni have a final billing statement Photo: Reproduction/TV Globo Ísis and Giovanni have a final billing statement Photo: Reproduction/TV Globo

In Elas por Elas, Isis (Rayssa Bratillieri) not only explains to Giovanni (Filipe Bragança) that she was looking for the best way to tell the truth, but also wants to know how Cris (Valentina Herszage) expected it. After catching the two almost kissing, the activist will have one last conversation with Giovanni and try to warn him about the person he is getting carried away by.

“Gio, pay attention: I don't know how, but Cris must have overheard the conversation I had with my mother and ran to tell you, right? Think about it!” she will say.

“It doesn’t matter how I found out. “What hurts me is that you, my friend, whom I loved, whom I trusted, chose to hide the most important truth in my life,” he will answer, giving another definitive answer.

“It’s over, Isis. There is no going back. I do not trust you anymore. I'll never forgive you. Are we doing both of us a favor now? Forget me. Never look for me again!” the boy continues.

2 of 3 Giovanni will tell Isis that he cannot forgive her Photo: Reproduction/TV Globo Giovanni will tell Isis that he cannot forgive her Photo: Reproduction/TV Globo

“Is that what you want? For me to disappear from your life?” she will ask and this time respond.

“That's right. Our story is over, Isis. “You hurt me so much,” she will say.

3 of 3 Before she goes, Isis will warn Giovanni about Cris Photo: Reproduction/TV Globo Before she goes, Isis will warn Giovanni about Cris Photo: Reproduction/TV Globo

“Don't worry. I won't look for you anymore. But bandage! You who hate lies are falling for the story of the biggest liar in this entire history. I know I have nothing to do with this anymore, stay with whoever you are want, do whatever you want, just don't get involved with this girl lest you really tear your face apart.”We'll never see each other again,” Isis concludes.